This page provides the project timeline, emails, and implementation documents as part of our initial Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement (OSE) communications campaign.
The goal is to use all available tools to persuade others for the Federal Government Electronic Tag (FedElecTag) adoption. The short-term objective is to build traction leading up to the “FedFleet 2019” conference in April 2019; and long-term to obtain Federal leadership buy-in and project ownership/transition.
To date, we have contacted 130+ fleet stakeholders regarding project awareness, resulting in sustained project interest spanning 12+ months dating back to December 2017.
Project History
Project Emails
Project Implementation Documents
- Business Case (Financial Performance, Fleet Operations, Manufacturing)
- Investment Analyses (ROI, NPV, IRR, Payback Period)
- Project Technical Development (Scope, Tasks, Risks, Milestones, Pricing)
- Independent Govt Cost Estimate (IGCE) (Deliverables, ODCs, Labor Rates)
- Revenue Model (Market, Customers, Pricing, Revenue Streams)
- Procurement Options (Upfront Expense, Lease, GSA Optional Equipment)
- Dashboard (Mobile App, Statistical Discovery Software, Activity Modeling)